Our solutions

Packaged solutions

Rotork offer packaged flow control solutions to provide our customers with a convenient and cost effective way of receiving the exact equipment they require, set up in the precise way they have specified.

Valve automation packaged solutions can include bespoke combinations of required equipment, including actuators, positioners, limit switch boxes, solenoid valves and gearboxes. These single source assemblies guarantee Rotork expertise and high performance, in one package. Convenience is provided by a single source provider who designs, assembles and installs a packaged solution.

Rotork’s involvement in these packages and bundled flow control solutions begins with product specification and design, then stretches to engineering and assembly.

  • Bespoke, single source assemblies
  • One-stop-shop for a complete assembly
  • Reduced overall labour time
  • One global aftersales team who can support
  • the entirety of the packaged solution

Examples of packaged product assemblies
Max Process.png
Rotork MaxProcess

Our packaged solutions are marketed as Max Process from our operating plant in Zinzig, Germany.